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Sunday Newsletter - Lessons in Love, Listening and Living Through Turmoil

business coaching business tips life hacks newsletter success tips Aug 04, 2024

Sunday Newsletter
Hello and Happy August! I hope the month has started well for you.

In a world of turmoil I wish you a day of self-care, breath catching and rejuvenation.

I have a very large coffee and am buzzing with new and exciting things to share.

What are you up to today? Something caring and joy filled, I hope.

This week has been another week of revelations for me. I do hope you are experiencing opportunities and greater possibilities for joy among the changes happening in your world.

Grab a cuppa and let’s explore the changes happening to the newsletter and some short lessons I learned this week that have the potential to have a positive impact in your life and business.

Newsletter Changes:

Kajabi has a new platform specifically for Newsletter and I'm one of the first few lucky members to try it out.
I will be moving things over in the coming weeks, starting with next weeks issue. So watch this space for a new and exciting Newsletter!

What Has been My Lesson of the Week That Might Help You?

Here are the powerful lessons and ‘Life hacks’ that I have been lucky enough to learn this week.

1 – Life Lesson – Listen and Love – Learning to listen in a noisy world. Choosing Love over loathing.

2 – Business Boost – Pause, Review and Re-commit

"The first duty of love is to listen." Paul Tillich

1 – Life Lesson:

Listen and Love – Learning to listen in a noisy world. Choosing Love over loathing.

It’s been a week of listening to my intuition over my logical mind. I admit that this is something I tend to struggle with.

As a tech geek and entrepreneur, logic and reason are things I value.
However, I know that the most spectacular mistakes I have made in my life are when I have allowed reason to reign over intuitive guidance.

My learning this week has been to listen. To really listen.

Not just to my intuition but to the world and people around me.

To take the time to put the gadgets down and really hear what is being said, even in the space between the words. To listen to what is being said through listening to what’s not being said. To listen to the energy, the emotion, the unseen communication.

To listen to what’s being conveyed without getting caught up in my assumptions, judgements and personal baggage. To hear so that I can step into their shoes and have an understanding of their message.

To take the 100 foot view and notice where the message fits in. And then, only then decide on how to respond.

I had a couple of situations this week where someone shared something that in the past would have triggered me. The past version of me would have got all defensive and righteous and tried to change their mind, because of course my version of reality is the right one!

In the world we are witnessing it has never been more true that every individual is entitled to their point of view, their way of defining their world.
However, that entitlement ends with them. Ends with me.

I am responsible for the reality I see and the results that creates for me.
That’s the power. I can choose my reality and my results and how I respond and react and reframe the world outside of me.
I own that. I am not sure how many others do.

I don’t always get it right, I’m human, far from perfect and still heavily involved in this university of life. I’ve far from finished my education. That’s why I’m still here. I mess up, I make mistakes. Eventually I learn and move on to the next level of learning. That’s life.

Heart and Love Lessons for Living

A big part of that lesson for me has been to learn about the heart.

To learn that even though mine has been broken and shattered and stomped on in the past, the time is now to open it fully again. The time is now to learn to allow love to embrace me, those around me and humanity.

It is only by allowing and flowing with the energy of unconditional love that I/we can heal through this unique time in history.

Where love is, fear can’t reside.

Where love is there’s no room for loathing.

Where love is conflict crumbles.

Where love is source/god/universe is.

“What you love, loves you back. What you damn, damns you back” Paul Selig

I watched a Caroline Myss video last night, that ‘randomly’ showed up on my feed. Now I don’t necessarily agree with everything, yet the big lesson I got from this was that we absolutely are in control of our response. Acting from a calm, open-hearted space of complete trust that we are protected, can literally save your life. Especially in these volatile times.

And that’s where listening and love collide. From that space of love, from our heart, we can tune into the most important frequency of all: the frequency of the divine, God, higher-self, or universe. The one creator. From there, we can know there are no mistakes; we are loved, guided, and protected—if we take the time to listen to love.

Even when you perceive you are watching the most heinous of crimes, move to that space within yourself that burns with compassion and love. Release the temptation to get caught up in loathing and revenge.

This week, I listened to everyday people, neighbours, and friends spout venom and hatred, wishing death upon others. You may say that’s understandable and justified. However, that will not heal the world. That will not bring children back. That will not bring about a change that is love-based and create a future we want to live in.

So how do we navigate this chaos, this turmoil, this need to rise up? I don’t pretend to have all the answers, yet I would look to Gandhi. I would look to building a future we want for ourselves by uniting in the creation of that future and ignoring the one we feel is being forced upon us.

To do that, the first thing is to take the time to listen, to hear what’s not being said, to see behind the veil, to really see the game that cannot be won by falling into the trap of violence.
To become fearless and committed to the path of love. To become committed to standing in our true power, which comes from love.
We must cultivate inner peace and resilience, allowing love and compassion to guide our actions. By doing so, we can transform our world, one loving act at a time.

This is my learning this week. I hope it resonates and adds value to someone out there.


  1. Pause, Review and Recommit in Chaotic Times:

This week I found myself watching YouTube videos and feeling guilty because it didn’t seem like this productive work.

In fact, these were powerful videos that answered a lot of questions for me in my journey to refocus and reinvent my business.

By the end of the week I had reviewed, researched and answered some of the tough questions that had kept me from fully committing to the direction I feel led to take my business in.

That ‘wasting time on YouTube’ saved me at least a month in research and planning.

Sometimes, following your gut, taking the time to pause, reflect and review can lead to clarity and the desire to recommit, in lightning speed.

Here are the tips and an optional structure to follow if you feel like now would be a good time to take stock of where you and your business are.

Pause, Review and Re-commit: An Entrepreneur's Guide

In the midst of global chaos and uncertainty, business owners often find themselves caught in a whirlwind of daily operations, struggling to keep their enterprises afloat.

However, this tumultuous environment presents a unique opportunity to step back, evaluate, and refocus on your business goals. The practice of pausing, reviewing, and re-committing can be a powerful tool for navigating these challenging times and emerging stronger than ever.

The Power of Pausing

Taking a moment to pause amidst the chaos may seem counterintuitive, but it's essential for gaining perspective. This brief respite allows you to:

  1.  Clear your mind of immediate pressures
  2.  Reduce stress and avoid burnout
  3.  Create space for strategic thinking
  4.  If you’re guided to watch random YouTube videos, do it. That could be the gold you are searching for. It was for me!

The Benefits of Review

A thorough review of your business operations can yield many advantages:

  1.  Identify inefficiencies, outdated messaging and practices and areas for improvement
  2.  Recognize changes in customer behaviour, emerging trends and opportunities
  3.  Assess the effectiveness of current strategies and offers
  4.  Realign resources with priorities, message with market changes
  5.  AND - Just check whether you still love what you are doing

The Importance of Re-commitment

Re-committing to your business goals helps to:

  1.  Renew your passion and motivation
  2.  Refocus your team on shared objectives
  3.  Adapt your vision to the changing landscape
  4.  Set clear, actionable targets for the future
  5.  Get real and decide if this is where you want to spend your time in a fast evolving world

By embracing this "Pause, Review, and Re-commit" approach, business owners can transform global chaos into a catalyst for growth and innovation.

This process allows you to step out of the reactive mode and into a proactive stance, ready to seize new opportunities and overcome challenges with renewed energy, strength and clarity.

In these uncertain times, the businesses that thrive will be those that can adapt, innovate, and stay true to their core mission.

By taking the time to pause, review, and re-commit, you're not just surviving the chaos – you're positioning your business to flourish in the face of adversity.

As always, this is my point of view, and you have your own journey and guidance.

I write to present my learning in the hope it assists others.

Clarity, passion, intuition, commitment, consistency and adaptability, will support you in navigating the chaos.”.


Choosing Happy Podcast Update

A reminder that the podcast is now published on Thursday so that I’m not clashing with lives and other content.

It’s the 75th Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and you can access it on Thursday 8th August 2024 –  August is ‘Spiritual Woo’ month, and this week is my first interview - I’ll be interviewing healers, coaches, psychics and energy workers about expanding our consciousness to expand our capacity for happy.

All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast host or on the website at

Also, before I go, 2 quick things:

#1  Interested in Creative Writing?

I am so loving the current Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge that I’m going to run the challenge again from August 12th 2024.

You’ll get to take part in a 30 day writing habit challenge and have full access to all of the content and live workshops (structure, planning, advanced writing techniques, a whole unique section on hypnotic writing and sooo much more)...

while you get to challenge yourself to practice, grow and get ready to get published (if you want to).

There’s over 33 days of private community access and support, accountability and creation.

Registration is open now at a small investment of $37 – and you get to keep the content, forever!

If you join before midnight on the 7th August you will receive the recordings of last years summer camp, all about ‘Show, Don’t Tell’, one of the most powerful writing techniques to master.

You can join the next challenge here:

#2  What if you could spend the next 13 weeks expanding your consciousness, improving your mindset and mental health and building fun and happiness into each day?

This is an exclusive pre-launch invitation to join “100 Days to 100% Happier” – a program designed with the intention to give you the bespoke tools and resources to help you navigate the nonsense, get past any limitations, fear and anxiety that might be stopping you experiencing joy, success, vibrancy and living life to the full.

Take this opportunity to change your level of happiness, success and resilience forever. Use it to gain clarity on the areas of your life that need up levelling and move toward the life you aspire to.

You’ll be fully supported in creating and implementing a strategy and small-habit plan for lasting change.

It’s like a buffet of Happiness, Resilience, Mindset, Energy, Consciousness, Mental Health and Physical Health resources.

You get to choose where you want to put your focus and each day you get access to: a short ‘Happiness Hit’ video, a fun 10 minute Happiness Habit Challenge, tips for overcoming Happiness Hurdles (anxiety, fear etc) and access to a private Happiness Heroes Community with others focused on flexing their happiness muscles, and experiencing more joy and aliveness in their daily life.

What else can you expect?

  • a personalised Happiness Habits strategy – daily resilience and joy plan that you can use to support you beyond the 100 days
  • Happiness Workshops
  • Q&A and Group Coaching Live Calls
  • Interviews with experts in Expanding Consciousness, Building Resilience, Healing modalities and more
  • Quick wins – identifying the small changes you can make that have a massive impact on your quality of life and experience
  • an paradigm adjustment so powerful, you leave with a new perspective and new enthusiasm for your life
  • Happiness Hangouts – themed, joy filled get togethers – priceless community support
  • tools to reset or soothe your nervous system
  • Lifetime access to resources and workshop recordings
  • and more

The way this works is you simply join and commit to whatever you believe you can achieve and stick to over 100 days.

There is a minimum Happiness Habit Practise which I ask you to complete daily. It’s short and designed to get you focused on how you want to be in your day and what are your Happiness Hooks.

I spend 1:1 time with everyone. I make sure that you complete the 100 days with a bespoke action plan, a personal Daily Habit for Success routine that you have created, and the tools to bring it to life.

There’s a tiny investment of £111 (just over £1 per day) to ensure there’s a commitment and fair energy exchange.

Once you have secured your spot, you’ll get access to the preparation section and to the exclusive community.

You can uplevel at anytime and access 1-1 coaching from me.

Starting 17th August 2024 for 100 Days

Sign-up before the 4th August 2024, to receive two bonus 1-1, Happiness Private coaching sessions with Heather, designed to help you breakthrough blocks, explore what’s possible for you and create your ‘Steps to Holistic Happiness Plan’.

There’s a limited number of spaces available on this founding program.

Are you ready to be 100% happier?

Here’s the link:

That's it for this week!

I wish you an open heart and love guided days.

I wish you resilience, summer sunshine, magical memories, laugh out loud moments, courage, and protection and divine guidance during these uncertain days.
May love, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.

As always, the coffee and a chat offer is available, I am only an email away.

I hope you have a week blessed with connection, companionship, opened hearted compassion, high vibes, amazing health, prosperity, grace and ease!


Heather V Masters

Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: I just launched a new Coffee and Catchup Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.

#2: Strategy Calls

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next, impactful, action steps.

Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.

How often do you take time out to move away from the doing in your business, and focus on the big picture, reviewing the dream and getting to the nitty gritty stuff that niggles you every day?

In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you cut through the fog and get crystal clear on your next steps toward next level results - more clients, more sales, more effective marketing, tech clarity and simplicity – whatever it is for you.

If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you full details and how to apply.

#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.


If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.

Email: [email protected]

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