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Sunday Newsletter - Being the Change - Dec 17th 2023

business coaching business tips life hacks newsletter success tips Dec 17, 2023

Hello and Happy Sunday!

Grab your favourite brew and join me for a quick ponder and catch up.

I am playing Christmas tunes for only the second time this December.

I thought if I delayed joining in with the Christmas crazy I could put it off a little longer.

It’s caught up with me though.

Last night I put up my tree and got out the Christmas cards – tonight’s task.

How are you getting on with your preparations for the holidays?

It’s been a bit of wild year, news wise. And many are beginning to feel the strain of a world in the midst of massive change.

I am still praying for all.

My First Gift of Christmas

I am spending Christmas Day alone this year.

I actually love it.

I give myself permission to do nothing except what I want to do – usually.

This year however, I have decided to dedicate this year to you lovely lot.

I have set up 30-minute Calendly slots where you can book a chat with me just because…

Whether you just fancy a chat, whether life is hitting you hard, whether you’re alone and fancy sharing a glass with someone, whether you’re having a crisis moment…

Whatever it is, I’m here to chat. No charge. No pressure.

I’ll probably be in my Christmas chill clothes and a paper hat. No formalities, just an open heart.

If you know of someone who might want to have this as an option, this Christmas then pass this link along:

Choosing Happy Podcast Update

This weeks Choosing Happy Podcast interview is with Fifi Mason – a beautiful soul, Entrepreneur and guardian of us introverts. She is the Introvert's Impact Coach and is a personal brand invisibility coach. Her mission and purpose is to help individuals with quieter voices show up authentically, amplify their impact, and create the change they wish to see in the world.

What a powerful and insightful chat we had.

The episode is published tomorrow morning (9am UK) on your favourite podcast platform.

100 Days of Happy update.

Today is episode 87! I wasn’t sure I would get this far.

I am also on day 4 of the 12 days of Christmas shorts.

For You...

I would like to give you advance notice – today I announce the launch of Choosing Your Future for 2024 Coaching program – 100 Days to 100% Happier!

100 days to:

  •  Clear your stuff using some neuroscience and a bit of magic,
  •  Choose and get clarity on what you truly want and who you Be,
  •  and then Crafting Your future using powerful envisioning, energy and emotion driven choices for your future.


Each month I have a guest coach/energy magician to help us out. Mayella Maxwell – Intuitive Coach and healer will be helping us with the first 30 days.


You have the opportunity to join me for all 100 days to really create the life you want to live in 2024, and get any accountability and support you might need through these rocky times.

Or choose to just do the first 30 days – clearing your path for your future.

Join the Waitlist

If you’re interested and want to me to let you know when we’re going live, you can join the waitlist here:

Being the Change

It’s the time of year when we’re likely reviewing the year and considering the changes we want to make. Here’s something I wrote about that...

Can you ‘be the change’ if you fear change?

‘You must Be the change that you wish to see in the world’ Mahatma Ghandi

A wonderful quote and on I remind myself of every day. I want to help the world change in a way that works for the highest good of all.

I phrase it that way purposefully.

The world is changing every second of every day. Change is constant. I don’t have to do anything to change the world. It will change of its own volition. I do have to do something to help it change in the way that I seek it too.

Do You Resist Change?

There’s often a lot of resistance to change in life I feel. And yet as I just stated change is a constant whether we like it or not.

I know I find myself resistant to change. I know I find myself fearful of the unknown at times.

I then remind myself that if I want to live the life of my dreams then I must completely change everything that I know. I must let go of the past and of what is, so that it can become something new, something amazing, something special.

It’s in holding on to what we think things should be, to our comfort zone, to where we are, that prevents us from living that amazing life of our dreams. It wouldn’t be such a dream if we were willing to be the change that gets us there.

Willing to Let Go

Am I willing to let go of everything I think I know for the possibility of doing, being and living something better. For the possibility of making a bigger difference than I could ever have envisaged?

That’s the question we want to be asking every morning as we embark upon each new day of possibility and opportunity.

Am I willing to let go of the story that is keeping me here?

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result” Mahatma Ghandi

I’ve completed a whole week that pointed and highlighted the story I was telling myself about who I am and why I can’t be the change I seek.

I really hadn’t realised I’d associated who I be with the story and how destructive that was to allow me to shine.

I’ve let that go. Until tomorrow and tomorrow I remind myself and will let it go again. Until I no longer tell that story; until I am being the change for the highest good of all.

Are You Hiding Your Gifts?

If you have a talent and gift that will help the world change for the highest good of all, isn’t it your obligation to share it, to shine?

I was asked this question this week.
My “stuckness” was that I wasn’t sure how that gift would look in the world. How could I communicate something I couldn’t communicate to myself? And then I became clear.

“To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.” Mahatma Ghandi


I am choosing to take on change with a view of the possibilities, promises and opportunities that every change presents.

Rather than looking at change as a threat, I’m asking myself:

  •  What is the lesson here that opens the doors to magic I could never even have imagined?
  •  What am I being asked to learn?
  •  Where am I being asked to grow?
  •  Where am I being asked to travel that allows me to be the best expression of myself in assisting the world to change for the highest good of all?

And You?..

So what is change to you? What is being asked of you?

Are you embracing or hiding? Is it time to let go and step up?

Is it time to be the change you seek?

“We must become the change we want to see.” Mahatma Ghandi

Content to Coaching is Live!

I have written to you a couple of times this week giving you insights into this quick cash generating program.
I know we’re in a time where customers and coaches/course creators are looking for something short and impactful and that’s what this program does for you and your clients.

You get to repurpose old content and turn it into a higher ticket, impactful and valuable coaching program, while you clients get something that gives them powerful results in 30 days! It’s a win-win!

Here’s an Extract About the Financial Possibilities for Your Business

“So let's take another example. Let's say you have a 497 product, let's say you have a little home study course, maybe it's on how to do all sorts of dog training techniques. I have a friend who does that sort of information product, and he has tons of them on dog training. Let's say you have a four-week coaching program on how to start your own dog training business or whatever it is and you price this coaching system at £1, 997.

You've got that same list of 200 people. You get a 50 percent open rate.

That's only half the 200 that are even opening your email.

And only 10 percent of them are buying. So you've just made £19, 970.

And if you do that once a month, that's almost 240, 000 a year £239,640 to be exact.

Now maybe it's not realistic to think you could do this selling dog training products and services, but the pet market is booming right now, so who knows.

If you have a more monetisable product, like how to set up your own online business for example, you can easily do this kind of program in my opinion.

So that's it. There's huge potential in this. You don't have to have a big list. You don't have to be well connected to a bunch of gurus. You do have to be willing to do some work. You do have to have a system that gets the results for your clients. And this. is the content to coaching system.”


If you would like to find out more and grab this while it’s at the £150 launch price, then go get it before the price goes up. Plus, you could use this training and have a new coaching program ready for your list for the start of 2024!

Here’s the link:

Bridging Sessions

If you are feeling overwhelmed, confused and could do with some help getting clear, why not jump on a Bridging Session call with me and let me help you work out the next steps from where you are to where you want to be. 40 minutes of laser focused coaching to get you the result you want.

I have a few spaces left until the end of the year and my second gift is I have reduced the price.

No fluff, no messing – let’s get you what you want. Here’s the link:

And Finally…

I am around if you fancy a coffee and a catch up. Drop me an email!

Have a blessed and peaceful week, filled with ease grace and prosperity!

I will see you on the Podcast or on Christmas Eve in the next edition of Heather’s Sunday news. Or on a Bridging Session perhaps?

Much love,


Chief Facilitator of Magic

Taking Your Business Online and Choosing Happy Podcast

Email: [email protected]

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