Sunday Newsletter - Busy Living or Busy Dying (2nd March 2025)
Mar 02, 2025
Hello, Happy Sunday and Happy March!
It feels like spring is in the air here in the UK and that we’ve turned a corner toward a brighter future (even though it may not look like it).
That’s how I’m feeling anyway. Like there has been some sort of cosmic shift and more light is getting in and warming up our lives. I hope you are sensing that and that you had a fabulous February.
Let’s welcome Marvelous March by grabbing a cuppa (mines Italian roast) and reflecting on:
What Was Your…
- Biggest win in February?
- Most magical memory making moment in February?
- Learning point/aha from February?
- Miracle moment (when it felt the universe was completely for you)?
- One wish for March?
Take a moment to celebrate. Celebration trains your unconscious mind to search out more of the things you are celebrating and it ‘s healthy for you; releasing stress and focusing on the joy.
Are you Growing in Your Life and/or Business?
I literally live in the middle of nowhere where I have to book to get on a bus that shows up every Tuesday and Friday, if I don’t have my car.
On Friday I got the bus to meet my sister.
One of the things that prevents me from travelling more often is that I have two dogs. I am committed to them. I am their human servant and instant treat dispenser.
I was reflecting this morning on the areas of my life where I automatically dismiss opportunities because of such things likes, ‘I can’t because of the dogs’.
What’s this got to do with the bus trip?
There was a woman on the bus who had her dog and cat with her. Rather than leave them behind she took them both with her. She had a ‘cat backpack’ and a blanket for the seat so her dog could sit next to her.
It got me thinking about where I could be more imaginative in coming up with solutions in my life.
I asked myself, ‘where in my life do I too quickly dismiss opportunities because of seemingly challenging obstacles?’
I didn’t like the answer.
I have been 'reacting in limitation' too often, though I never used to be like this.
I was the person who could create miracles.
In the past couple of months I have found myself struggling with things that used to be so simple for me.
Ordinary Angels
I was really reminded about this last week when I watched a movie ‘Ordinary Angels’, which is based on a true story and includes a very determined woman who achieves what others thought impossible.
I could see areas of my life where I could have more faith, belief and take inspired action. I could see that in the past these things wouldn't have been a problem but a challenging adventure and invitation to see what is possible.
I do believe if the vision and commitment are right, we can achieve what we want.
‘Realistic’ is a very subjective word.
That’s why I am passionate about coaching.
It’s the opportunity to remind folks how powerful they are and to invite them to achieve so much more than they can often imagine when they start working with me.
That’s what transformation is – moving beyond perceived limits to a new ‘realistic’.
One of my favourite areas to work with clients is around fears and phobias that are really debilitating. The transformation when a life limiting restriction is removed is just wonderful for them and for me.
Are You Living in Restriction:
- Do you recognise a similar pattern in your life?
- Are you shutting down opportunities before you even look at them properly?
- Do you have fears and anxieties that debilitate you and stop you living fully?
- Is your business or career affected?
- Have you pulled up a cosy arm chair in your comfort zone, yet it sometimes feels the universe has set it on fire?
Boiling the Frog:
I could list out a whole set of plausible reasons and excuses as to why I have retreated so far into my comfort zone it’s not comfortable anymore (caring for parents, living through lockdowns, looking after pets, the economy, my age etc.).
Yet I am aware enough to know that It’s really all rubbish. Yes, some of those things have had an impact and I’ve adjusted and accommodated, but living with the consequences for years is my choice. How I have responded has been up to me.
- I could have gotten a coach earlier.
- I could have chosen a different view of what’s possible for me.
- I could have faced my fears earlier.
So why didn’t I?
Living within my own bubble – I can go weeks without seeing anyone, meant that I was ‘boiling my own frog’.
I didn’t have anyone to point out the stories that I was creating about my world weren’t real. I didn’t have that person who would be there for me yet remind me that the world is a reflection of my beliefs, values and who I believe myself to be. That I create my own reality. Where was my focus consciously and unconsciously?
I had forgotten the many 'miracles' and 'impossibles' I had already achieved in my life.
Listening to a limiting story (that I created) over and over again can eventually become true for you/me.
Things you once did with ease can feel threatening and cause us to react with resistance.
We’re always looking to keep ourselves safe.
The thing is, the more I allowed myself to withdraw (especially if it’s by stealth) the more challenging life became. I was giving up my personal agency and shrinking.
The universe works on expansion.
Our purpose here is to grow and test the boundaries of what’s possible (my perspective ).
What’s that wonderful quote from the Shawshank Redemption?
“Get busy living or get busy dying”.
Maybe that’s the purpose of my life, to remind my amazing clients to ‘get busy living’, to remind them what’s possible and that they are responsible for how their story ends.
I’ve had to remind myself of this many times during my human experience.
Stretching Yourself
I am committed to moving and expanding and growing this year.
That comfy chair is burned, and I am consistently reminding myself of some of the amazing things I have already achieved during this one wonderful adventure.
I have taken the time to uncover how I truly want to live, what really lights me up and how I would like the next chapter of my life to be.
How about you?
Are you ready to take tiny stretches into cooler waters and ‘unboil/uncoil’ yourself until you are floating and flowing with life?
How can you start?
Choose to begin.
Stepping out of our familiar environment can make a massive difference to our perspective on our lives.
Are you willing to take a day out to experience somewhere new? A new perspective? New people?
I know that day trip to the local town had a profound effect on my perspective. That and the books and movies that showed up in my life this week. Reminding me that so much more is possible for me.
And of course, my coach, who so candidly pointed out – ‘you’re not doing it because you’re afraid.’
Ask Yourself:
- Which one area of your life are you avoiding/resisting?
- Where are you allowing others to choose for you (by simply not choosing)?
- What have you ‘given up’ on, yet still whispers to your soul?
- Where are you complying in order to ‘keep the peace’ even when it feels uncomfortable?
All of these are ‘boiling the frog’ and it’s easy to allow one small thing to repeat until you don’t recognise yourself anymore and your sense of adventure and aliveness is buried somewhere deep.
Sometimes We Need a Compassionate but Tough Reminder
That’s what I hope you take from this.
An opportunity to remind yourself of all of the amazing things you’ve already done and have yet to do.
Though life might not have gone as planned, and may have slapped you or knocked you down over and over again, you’re stronger and more magical than you think. You’re here, after all.
- You do get to right/write the next chapter and move beyond limitations to create something wonderful.
- You do get to love again, to learn, to laugh and to live fully in whatever way is for you.
- You get to decide.
If you need support and someone who can work alongside you, then reach out to a coach or someone you trust.
I know I did. I knew I had been ‘here’ too long.
I hope this resonates with you and reminds you that you are blessed and worthy and capable and so much more than you give yourself credit for.
I hope this adds value and gives you something to ponder this week.
I would love your thoughts and perspective on this.
Choosing Happy Podcast Update
Celebration Time!!
I just can't seem to get that 100th episode out.
Let's give it one more try.
It’s the 100th Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and you can access it on Thursday 6th March 2025.
Look out for that!
All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast App or on the website at
Let me know if there is anything you would like me to cover or if there's anyone you'd like me to interview.
I value your feedback.
That's it for this week!
My wish for you is a blessed and joy filled Marvelous March. You are always in my prayers. May you have a magical week, with the strength and courage to uncoil and live all out.
May peace, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.
As always, the coffee and chat offer is available, I am only an email away.
Until next week, keep being awesome. To your happiness and prosperity in all things,
Heather V Masters
Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
P.S. How are you navigating the changes in your business? Hit reply and let me know - I'd love to hear your stories and maybe even feature them in a future newsletter!
P.P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
#1: Check our my Coffee and Coaching Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.
#2: Coaching
In a busy world, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next step.
Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.
In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you explore your blocks, challenges, conflicts and concerns – whatever it is for you.
You choose the goal, we uncover the answer.
If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you details about one off sessions.
#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.
If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.
Email: [email protected]
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