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Sunday Newsletter - Get Out of the Trees and Soar!

business coaching business tips life hacks newsletter success tips Aug 25, 2024

Hello and Happy Sunday! Happy Holiday weekend if you are here in the UK.

Thanks for reading Choosing Happy Newsletter! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Complete the form at the bottom of this post.

I have been blessed again weekend with family staying over, friends and fur pups. And of course, plenty of coffee and good conversation.

Grab yourself a cuppa and something nice to go with it and let’s catch up.

Newsletter Update (ongoing)

Final post about the updates. I am having a couple of technical issues but new layout and structure are in the planning.

Last chance – what changes would you like to see?

Thank you to those who have replied already.

I would love it if you could hit reply and answer the following questions for me please, so that I can make sure that future issues are valuable to you:

Q1. What changes would you like to see to the Newsletter content: What would you like to see more of, less of and what’s something new you’d add?

Q2. What would be the one thing that would get you read the Newsletter each week? What would you get out of it?

Q3. What keeps you reading any other blogs or newsletters you receive? Please be as specific as possible.

Thank you in advance. This input will really help me going forward.

Another week of insights and growth

The adventure continues.

This week I have experienced a growing theme – ‘You can’t see the Forest for the trees!’

What Has been My Lesson of the Week That Might Help You?

Get out of the trees!

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘you can’t see the forest for the trees’ well that has been my lesson this week but from several new perspectives I hadn’t really considered before.

Why is this an important lesson this week? It has a lot to do with how I/how we navigate what’s coming.

Last Sunday I walked my dog in the forest where I live and we took a route I hadn't walked in over three years. Storms had taken many of the trees down and the route had only recently re-opened. It was a beautiful morning. My dog was doing zoomies as it’s one of her favourite walks, the sky was blue and the birds…. Weren’t singing. Curious?

Overhead soared a magnificent Osprey, a bird we are blessed to have nesting in the forest, though seldom seen.

I watched as it circled and soared above the pines. How graceful and stunning, and how lucky I felt to be witnessing this display.

I wondered if there was a sign here. Well, here began my lesson of the week. Get out of the trees!!

1 - Life Lesson - Soar Above the Trees so you can see the forest!

2 – Business Boost – The Entrepreneurial Bird's-Eye View

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
— Marcel Proust

1 – Life Lesson:

Soar Above the Trees so you can see the forest!

I didn’t take much notice of this lesson at the beginning of the week, but it built on itself and revealed things to me from different perspectives.

My intuition tells me that this is a lesson to really embrace so that I/we can better navigate the nonsense which appears to be accelerating around the world.

It’s a much more powerful tool than I had given it credit for. Stay with me. I think you might find it worthwhile.

Stuck in the Trees:

When I thought about this metaphor in the past I simply took it at its face value – being too stuck in the detail to see the bigger picture.

I hadn’t really explored how that applied to various areas of my life and business and the impact that being too locked in the details had on me, my relationships, my well-being, my environment and my contribution to the bigger aspects of life.

A useful and relevant example could be one of being glued to your mobile device while celebrating your daughters 1st birthday and missing her joy, wonder, and first steps because you didn’t lift your head out of ‘virtual mobile world’. How many of us would struggle to go 24 hours without a mobile device or connection to the internet?

What do we miss on the physical plane by being stuck in our heads in virtual drama?

Many are addicted. I know it would be easy for me to be lost online, especially because that’s where I connect with people daily, while working from a pretty isolated location.

I know the digital world has it’s positive uses. Yet it can also capture us: our presence, aliveness and awareness.

My daily work is in that playground. Sometimes I notice times when I can’t go two hours without picking up a device.

Sacred Saturdays - That’s why Saturdays I stay offline as late as possible and use that day to do my chores, work in the garden, take longer walks with the dogs, do physical work. This grounds me and reconnects me with my body.

How often do you consciously disconnect? How often do you soar out of the digital trees?

Taking an 'Osprey' view.

More than this, taking time to step into a ‘big picture’, ‘Osprey view’ of our projects, our day, our week, our goals, our relationships, our world, allows us to view all of the interconnections, dependencies and impacts that we may not have seen before.

It also opens us to opportunities and possibilities and solutions that were hidden from view deep among the trunks of the trees.

Action Step:

Take the time to visualise yourself floating above a situation you are feeling overwhelmed with or can’t seem to find a next step for. Let you imagination and unconscious explore the landscape, notice the new, play with the unexpected. Really take your time and indulge and see what magic unfolds.

Use this as an every day guidance tool:
As the world gets crazier use this technique to remove yourself from the noise, ask intuitively what is it you need to know in order to take the next powerful step on your path and what you can discard to free you up.

Allow your mind to let all of the noise fall away and to shine a light on what is joyful, important and meant for you at this specific time.

Here’s the formal bit…

The Power of Perspective

Just as the Osprey gains a comprehensive view of its surroundings from high above, we too can benefit massively from stepping back and gaining a broader perspective on our lives. This bird's-eye view can help us in numerous ways:

1. See the bigger picture of our purpose, goals, and daily actions:

• Understand how your daily tasks contribute to your long-term goals

• Identify misalignments between your actions, your words and your life purpose

• Recognize patterns in your behaviour and decision-making

2. Notice the often-overlooked details in our environment:

• Appreciate the small moments of beauty in your surroundings

• Identify opportunities for personal growth and learning

• Recognize the interconnectedness of nature and your place within it

3. Understand the impact of our words and actions on our community/family/friends:

• Recognize how your behaviour affects those around you

• Identify ways to positively contribute to your community

• Understand the ripple effect of kindness and compassion

4. Break free from the mental loops that keep us stuck in problems:

• Identify recurring thought patterns that hinder progress

• Develop strategies to reframe challenges and find solutions

• Practice detachment from problems to gain clarity

• Practice choosing joy and happiness, seeing the lesson and the opportunity in challenging times

5. Gain a more comprehensive understanding of global events:

• See beyond headlines (and mainstream reports) to understand complex global issues

• Recognise the interconnectedness of world events

• Develop a more nuanced and empathetic worldview

6. Recognise our place in the grand scheme of things:

• Understand your role in your family, community, the future and the world

• Understand your own path and choices toward your destiny

• Gain perspective on personal challenges by seeing them in a larger context, from a detached view

• Develop a sense of humility and wonder about the universe

Practical Tips for Gaining Perspective

• Take regular breaks from screens to observe your surroundings

• Set reminders to step away from devices and look around

• Practice the "20-20-20" rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds

• Practice mindfulness and presence in your daily activities

• Engage in mindful eating, walking, or listening exercises

• Use meditation apps or guided visualizations to enhance presence

• Ask yourself powerful questions to challenge your current viewpoint:

• "What would I do if I knew I couldn't fail?"

• "How might someone I admire approach this situation?"

• "What will matter most about this in five years?"

• "What is the lesson here?"

• "What can I see that I haven’t noticed before?"

• Seek out diverse opinions and experiences to broaden your understanding

• Read books or articles from authors with different backgrounds

• Engage in conversations with people from various cultures and walks of life

• Travel to new places, even if just in your local area, to gain fresh perspectives

By adopting this "Osprey perspective," we can navigate the nonsense and the increasingly complex world around us with greater clarity, purpose, and resilience.

Spiritual Perspective: For those who believe in a higher power or a grand design, seeing the bigger picture includes understanding our place within that plan. Recognising where we fit within the larger scheme of things can provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of purpose. In my opinion, this has never been more important than it is at this unique point in the history of humanity.

Ultimately, by embracing the ability to step back and view life from different angles, we equip ourselves to navigate the accelerating chaos of the world with greater ease and wisdom.

"A simple change of perspective can transform a life of misery into a life of joy."
— Anonymous

I hope this adds value and gives you something to ponder this week.
I would love your thoughts and perspective on this.

This Weeks Business Boost


2. The Entrepreneurial Bird's-Eye View

The Osprey analogy followed me into my business this week, with me stepping back and reviewing my vision, my projects and what’s important at this time.

A good reminder to schedule time to work on my business and not just in it.

How often, as solo-entrepreneurs and small businesses, do we get caught up in the doing, the grind, so that we almost create a ‘job’ for ourselves and forget why we started?

For entrepreneurs, the ability to see the bigger picture is not just beneficial - it's essential for long-term success and growth.

Like our soaring Osprey, successful business leaders must rise above the day-to-day operations to gain a comprehensive view of their enterprise.

Seeing Your Business from Above

Here’s why stepping back is crucial for business success:

• Interconnected Elements:

Every aspect of your business is connected. Your sales department, marketing team, product development, and customer service all influence each other. If one area is misaligned—such as marketing promoting features that don’t exist or sales selling what can’t be delivered—the entire operation suffers. Recognizing these connections helps ensure that all parts work harmoniously.

• Work On Your Business, Not Just In It:

Successful entrepreneurs know the importance of occasionally stepping out of the operational weeds. This means focusing not just on daily tasks but on strategic planning, long-term goals, and overall business health. Are you creating value for your customers? Are your products or services aligned with market needs? These questions require a higher-level view.

• Customer-Centric Approach:

Understanding the lifetime value of a customer is critical. It’s not just about the initial sale but about cultivating long-term relationships. Retaining and nurturing existing customers is often more profitable than constantly chasing new ones. This requires a shift in perspective from short-term gains to long-term strategy.

• Challenge Limiting Beliefs:

Sometimes, we hit an upper limit in our business because we’re stuck in a particular way of thinking. By reframing challenges and considering different perspectives, new possibilities emerge. This might mean exploring new markets, rethinking products, or innovating in ways that weren’t previously considered.

• Empathy in Tech:

In the tech world, it’s easy to assume customers will naturally understand how to use new tools or platforms. However, without considering the user’s perspective, businesses risk alienating their audience. Understanding customer needs and guiding them through solutions is key to success.

• Collaboration and Community:

Viewing competitors as potential collaborators can open doors to new opportunities. Partnerships, joint ventures, and community engagement can lead to mutual growth and innovation. By seeing the bigger picture, you recognize that collaboration often outweighs competition.

• Founder’s Role:

As a founder, your contribution extends beyond your initial vision. It’s about nurturing a culture of collaboration, innovation, and growth within your team. Understanding where to step in and when to delegate is crucial for scaling your business effectively.

Practical Steps for Entrepreneurs

• Schedule regular "strategy sessions" to step back and assess your business

• Set aside weekly or monthly time for big-picture thinking

• Use tools like SWOT analysis or the Business Model Canvas to evaluate your company

• Seek feedback from customers, employees, and industry peers

• Implement regular customer satisfaction surveys

• Conduct employee engagement surveys and feedback sessions

• Participate in industry forums and peer groups for external perspectives

• Analyse your competitors and look for collaboration opportunities

• Stay informed about industry mergers and acquisitions

• Evaluate your personal contribution

• Assess your strengths and weaknesses as a leader

• Identify tasks that can be delegated to team members or outsourced

• Invest in personal development to enhance your leadership skills – especially coaching and accountability support

• Regularly review and align your business processes and goals

• Regularly monitor changes happening in tech, your marketplace, customer trends, culture, governance etc. so that you can adapt quickly and stay resilient and responsive

• Conduct quarterly or annual strategic reviews

• Ensure all team members understand and are aligned with company goals

• Adjust processes and strategies based on performance data and market changes

By embracing this broader perspective, entrepreneurs can navigate challenges more effectively, identify new opportunities, and build more resilient and successful businesses.

In these crazy times, taking that higher perspective can help you navigate new technology, changes in systems, cultures, practices and so much more.

Stay to true to yourself and your vision for your company in all of this.

Remember, sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to step out of the forest and soar like an Osprey - you might be surprised by what you see from up there!

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
— Wayne Dyer

Choosing Happy Podcast Update

It’s the 79th Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and you can access it on Thursday 29th August 2024 – This week I’m interviewing Lorraine Stone, who introduces us tour spiritual teams and how we can better communicate with them. I’m looking forward to that!

August is ‘Spiritual Woo’ month.
I’m continuing to chat to healers, coaches, psychics and energy workers about expanding our consciousness to expand our capacity for happy.

I have some exclusive interviews coming up and am extending the Woo into September. I have been blessed with amazing people to interview and can’t wait to share our powerful and transformative discussions with you.

All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast host or on the website at


Supporting You Through The Nonsense!

If you feel you would like to chat, explore, make more sense of what’s occurring, create a plan or are looking for support reach out and let’s chat.

I feel my purpose now is to help folks through the challenging times ahead, especially in this era of transformation around the planet.

New communities are being built, new opportunities are being born, new paradigms are emerging, new technologies are taking shape.

Whether it is on a personal level, in business, spiritually or a combination, I am designing a path of support to help us all navigate these strange and unusual times.

Humanity is at a tipping point and if you understand that you will understand the increasing need for a support platform.

I am launching a one year support plan for Choosing Happy, at minimal investment (to cover costs) to help navigate the shift, with a focus on self-care, mental wellbeing, resilience, community and business support during chaotic times.

If any of this sounds of interest, hit return and let me know.

That's it for this week!

I wish you good health, increased resilience, the perspective of an Osprey, happiness and joy.

I wish you magical memories, laugh out loud moments, courage, and protection during these uncertain days.
May love, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.

As always, the coffee and chat offer is available, I am only an email away.

I hope you have a week blessed with wisdom, support, understanding, connection, companionship, prosperity, grace and ease!


Heather V Masters

Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: Check our my Coffee and Coaching Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.

#2: Strategy Calls

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next, impactful, action steps.

Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.

How often do you take time out to move away from the doing in your business, and focus on the big picture, reviewing the dream and getting to the nitty gritty stuff that niggles you every day?

In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you cut through the fog and get crystal clear on your next steps toward next level results - more clients, more sales, more effective marketing, tech clarity and simplicity – whatever it is for you.

If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you full details and how to apply.

#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.


If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.

Email: [email protected]

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