Sunday Newsletter - "I'm Not Setting Goals This Year!"
Dec 01, 2024
Sunday Newsletter
Hello and Happy Sunday!
It’s the 1st day of December and the countdown truly begins. Where is your focus? Christmas, the new year, something bigger, or the present moment?
I’ve had a sudden urge to clean and clear my house. What have you been up to this weekend? How are you shifting the energy?
I’ve taken a step back from my crazy content creation schedule this week to review what’s working and what’s not.
So, in today’s issue, I feel like clearing the air for something new and powerful that deeply serves you in 2025 and I would love you help in choosing the topics you would like to see in future editions.
Please hit reply an let me know what you would like more information on, what would inspire you, what’s important to you, what suggestions you have…
I am going all in in December in terms of clearing a path to create a positive, peaceful, purpose driven and impactful 2025. If you would like to join me in doing the same for yourself then look out for my exclusive invitation below.
It’s a short message this week, accompanied by a big invitation.
So grab a cuppa (mines a strong House Blend Coffee) and lets ponder and do some work on preparing for the future, whatever that may be.
Not goal setting again!
This is the perfect time of year to begin to think about goals and resolutions.
And I’m all for goal setting. Even if it’s just a way to create a vision for the journey forward. After all, if you have no direction then how will you know if you’ve achieved what you wanted?
There’s a bit of a paradox with goals when you begin to flow with your intuition and guidance. Yet, I believe you still have goals, there’s just a different way of tapping into what you truly want that is in alignment with the greater plan for you.
That’s what I’d love to explore in this week’s newsletter.
I believe most people are totally unprepared to set goals that they can truly achieve.
That may be a controversial statement, but how much thought do you really give to clearing the past, completing your incompletes and messes and digging deep on what you want, why you want it and how specifically you’d like the result to show up?
Do you check that it’s in alignment with your unconscious mind, your values and beliefs and the bigger plan for you?
Personally, I think that’s why most goals are given up on before January is out.
There’s no motivation to achieve a goal that is not in alignment with who you believe you are and the values you hold for yourself.
Yet, we (I’m guilty of this) continue setting goals that we think we ‘should’ want, without doing the deeper work.
An Example:
If we really wanted to lose weight it probably would be pretty easy to eat well and exercise daily. Yet, if you value your ‘nights out’ with friends at a pub or local restaurant, then you might find yourself ‘having a day off’ regularly.
Even how you think about the goal has a massive impact on whether you achieve it.
For instance, if you approach exercise with dread every day, then you are going to find it tough going.
Try to reframe how you think about exercise.
Find something you enjoy (dancing, swimming) and prepare physically and mentally in advance.
Schedule the sessions in your calendar, even set an alarm.
Get your workout clothes/equipment ready in advance.
Choose some upbeat music that you love and remind yourself how good you will feel for doing this.
You can use the reframing and prep for most goals, especially work and business goals. You should see how I prep to do my tax return!
Approaching something with a clear intention, having already visualised it going well and being enjoyable can make a big difference, takes a minimal amount of time and can save hours of procrastination.
How Do You Set Goals?
‘As quickly as possible, just throw something out there with a bit of structure’.?
That’s how I used to do it.
And if I am honest, I got out of the habit of setting goals when I cared for my parents.
I felt the effect of that when I didn’t have a vision for myself after they were gone.
That not only impacted my behaviour and healing journey, it impacted my confidence and identity as well. That's why I'm passionate about creating a clear vision and meaning for my life.
How can you be fulfilled in life if you haven't identified YOUR criteria?
So how do you set goals?
· Are you a practiced goal setter and achiever and you set goals annually, quarterly, weekly and daily? - That’s the habit of most successful people.
· Do you set big goals for the year, forget about them and still achieve them?
· Are you happy with your results, especially in the recent years of chaos and curve balls?
For me, as we enter a period of promise and change, I am working through the clearing work (limiting beliefs, incompletes, messes and more), and then I am checking in with my purpose to get clear on my path, my vision and my goals, and finally I am using advanced neuro techniques, a bit of intuitive coaching and energy work to ignite and set those goals in motion.
I then have a routine for following up and helping those goals along (checking in with the goal getters – my unconscious mind and higher self) and reviewing progress, making adjustments if necessary, while ensuring I don’t get distracted by the shiny objects or unexpected events.
Extraordinary Times Call for Extraordinary Commitment
If you have larger goals, such as contributing to communities, humanity. fighting injustice and leaving a legacy for our children, then I feel that right now is a perfect time to pause and recommit to your mission.
Take some space to clear away any emotional baggage or things you are holding on to that are weighing you down. It’s time to clear house and let go. That’s what I’m doing...

Your Exclusive and Personal Invitation
It’s still Black Friday/Cyber Monday Weekend so I have some offers for you below. First, I would love for you to take up my next invitation…
Your Personal Invitation to my Private program that I am piloting – New Life by Design!
This is the first flagship product I’ve released which includes techniques I have learned and borrowed from NLP, TimeLine, Hypnosis, Intuitive processes, persuasion, influence, psychology, shadow work, advanced writing for results, online success, metaphysics, sales success, Identity work, Values Levels, money mindset and more.
If you're at a place where you feel like you're stuck — where nothing you seem to do is working to move your dreams forward …
Or you're realising you're nowhere near where you wanted to be at this point in the year, or this point in your life…
Or if you absolutely know how you want to live your life your way, but you just can't seem to get any traction going …
… you're not alone.
I've been there.
Especially since dealing with losses of people, places, friends and the biggie – Identity and confidence in who I thought I was.
I took a journey inward and outward.
Over the last few years I have taken so many courses and tried out so many techniques and tips for myself. I found things that worked and those that didn’t.
If you are of a certain age, I am sure you’ve tried a few personal development programs, dabbled in the woo, looked at a ‘get rich quick’ promise, been burned with lack of results and taken an ‘instant life changing’ workshop or two.
The truth for me has been that I had a bit of healing to do that I wasn’t aware of and couldn’t uncover working on my own.
Caring for my parents and watching loved ones die, some suddenly, some slowly, left me on high-alert and stuck in a trauma response, consistently.
It took me years to figure this out – you can get results much faster!
It would have taken less time if I hadn’t insisted on fixing the outside stuff or the inside surface stuff, without first going deep into what was really happening, consciously, unconsciously and physiologically.
I chose to focus on expensive business strategies and programs that could never work while I was in ‘freeze/fight/or flight’ mode, constantly looking for the next shoe to drop (at an unconscious level).
Through a lot of trial and error, I came up with a simple framework that I believe summarises the steps that helped me to at last make the deep permanent changes and begin to create the life I want to live now, and in 2025 and beyond.
And I want to teach you those techniques so that you can discover…
The purpose of your life.
Your core identity.
Your Values – The Unconscious Rules You Live By. Work with your values to create pervasive motivation.
How to identify the difference between resistance and a Trauma response and how to work with it
How To Write Your Credo – a statement for yourself to focus on – your North Star
Know the importance of boundaries and agreements for success in life.
The invisible forces that govern your experience of life.
Why you can never get yourself to do the things you want to do and…
How to break patterns of self-sabotage.
How to Reconnect with your dreams and desires.
To Set goals which occur exactly the way you set them.
Ways to increase your personal energy levels.
How to live in alignment with who you truly are irrespective of the chaos in the outside world.
How to practice living intuitively and how to embrace your reality and expand consciousness…
Discover how to take a quantum leap in your success.
Learn the secret to achieving every goal you set.
Regain your childlike sense of wonder.
Let go of unwanted feelings about the past such as of anger, sadness, fear, hurt, and guilt.
Access your unconscious resources.
Clear out any beliefs and attachments that hold you back.
Use a process that literally makes your dreams come true.
And that’s just the beginning…
Here’s the 50-foot view of the formula:
Commit – Clear – Clarity – Create – Longevity:
Commit - Decide you are going to do this, do what it takes to live the life you want and learn how life/universe really works. I take you through a process that checks how committed you are, so that we know you are ready, willing and able to create the results you want in your life, in alignment and on purpose.
Clear what’s in your way, while acknowledging the reality of where you are at. We are going to re-design/rewrite the events in your past which make you feel bad ...
So that you have peace and closure. A solid foundation, not heavy baggage.
Let’s clear some of the conditioning we’ve been subject to and learn how to reprogram ourselves to work with our unconscious mind and inner guidance to create results that matter.
This includes (not limited to) Work with shadows, strategies that no longer work, Identity, unconscious baggage, negative emotions and values that maybe limiting you. Identify the roots of self-sabotage and your ‘upper limit’ levels.
Clarity – get clear on what you truly want/need, who you are in truth (your core identity), how you serve (current purpose), what you’re passionate about, where love fits in, your vision for your future (gifted from intuition/source). Eliminate self-limiting beliefs and thought patterns. Lean into new possibilities and try on a new perspective and even a new identity. Get playful with this. You are the author of your life.
Create your new life by your design, while working with intuition, unconscious and conscious mind and universe. Identify and work with your personal, unique to you, success strategy. Empower you to infuse motivation and fulfilment in your life by working with the true you, your essence.
I will empower you to set goals that you’ll achieve. At this point we’ve released the past and freed you up for unprecedented progress.
Learn to live being comfortable with; not knowing, creative resistance, and breaking the habit of being who you were.
Choose a model of the person who life requires you to become so that you create the life of your dreams on purpose.
If you want radical and positive change in your life, you can't do it being the same person you've been up to this point.
And ultimately, who we are is often a product of what we think and do habitually, our values, beliefs and who we think we are (Identity).
So, in order to effect true change, you've got to "be" a different person.
Author and speaker Mike Dooley encapsulates this concept beautifully, saying:
"To begin living like you've never lived before, begin living like you've never lived before."
Longevity – create habits to sustain enduring joy, love, prosperity and success in all levels of your life.
One of the reasons it took me so long to begin to see success was because I was trying to bite off WAY more than I could chew. It was on a copy writing course that I learned the Power of One and to practise small habits, consistently to bring about lasting change faster.
Even when massive transformation occurs there’s a daily practice that’s necessary to maintain that new result.
Discipline is the secret of consistent success.
The techniques taught during this program are being used by thousands of people around the world to bring their dreams to reality and improve their lives. However, I am putting them together in a unique way to accelerate the results.
The choice is yours. Ask yourself, “what will my life be like when I let go of my past and limitations, get fully present with my life and learn to work with my unconscious resources and begin creating my new life by design?”
27+% Discount for You!
Being an Insider gets you even more than your 27% discount...
You’re also getting:
Early access to the program before anyone else. Start putting the system to work in your own life in December.
This is a group program with a private community of people who share the same desire to create a new life for themselves by playing fully during the program.
The ability to shape the future of the program, its contents, and how it is presented.
Learn the techniques and have lifetime access to the materials so that you can come back to them time and time again.
90 Days to Transform Your Life – We work through the materials within six weeks. Additional time is given to support you in practicing the techniques and taking the actions you have identified and committed to for you to get your end results.
The lowest price anyone will pay for the program. You will not pay the £5,000 that the general public eventually pays. You will not even pay the £1,997 Founders will pay…
4 x One-on-One Coaching Calls (Yours FREE - Value £2,000)
1-Year Premium Level Membership in Our Online Community – Accountability, support and workshops (Yours FREE - Value £500)
Exclusive guest expert workshops (monthly for 6 months – value £3600)
A private podcast exclusive to this program
(Other special pricing and perks for insiders will continue to come your way all next year.)
So, to boil it down… you’re getting £11,500+ in pure value…
… for just one payment of £997.
In a few months people will be paying £1,997 (or even £5,500 for a seat at the final version) for this program - with a lot less access to me.
YOU, get direct access to me… early access to the program… one-on-one coaching… access to expert speakers… all the updates… a private podcast and exclusive access to an exclusive business solution I am working on… and everything else mentioned above… at 27+% off the final retail price, 92% off the full value.
Grab Your Spot Now - See You Soon!
What others are saying…
“I had the pleasure of attending the Mentoring for Growth programme where Heather Bond was a mentor. Working with Heather made me look completely differently at my business, she challenged my approach to its future, gave me new skills which allowed me to think BIG when it came to its future, its people and its clients and focused me on creating tangible short and long terms goals. Heathers fabulous coaching skills allowed me to make real tangible progress, progress when I didn't know how to or have the relevant knowledge.” – Helen Shepherd
If you’re ready to take this opportunity to clarify your vision and set yourself up for success in 2025 but still have questions, reply to this email to book a call with me. Let’s make next year your best yet irrespective of the noise!
Don’t miss out—this exclusive offer ends at midnight on Tuesday 3rd December 24

Choosing Happy Podcast Update
I didn’t release an episode last week. I am reviewing the content and direction of the podcast. There is an episode this week and I have exciting new guests lined up for 2025.
It’s the 91st Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and you can access it on Thursday 5th December 2024 – I’ll be making an announcement and exploring how to bring more light, love and laughter into your life.
Look out for that!
All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast App or on the website at

Exclusive Black Friday Offer: 3 for 3 for 3 Coaching Sessions!
As we approach the end of the year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on your goals and set a clear path for 2025.
I’m excited to announce a special Black Friday exclusive for my newsletter readers: a 3 for 3 for 3 offer!
For just £333, you will receive:
Three one-to-one coaching sessions over three weeks
Focused guidance on writing your personal and business credo
Support in creating actionable goals, plans, and strategies for the upcoming year
This offer is limited to only 9 people, ensuring personalised attention and tailored strategies that suit your unique journey.
If you’re ready to take this opportunity to clarify your vision and set yourself up for success in 2025, reply to this email to book a call with me. Let’s make next year your best yet!
Don’t miss out—this exclusive offer is only available until midnight on Monday 2nd December 2024!
That's it for this week!
I wish you a week filled with focus, fulfilment, purpose, clarity, inspiration and of course, happiness!
May love, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.
As always, the coffee and chat offer is available, I am only an email away.
I hope you have a week blessed with grace, magical moments and ease!
Heather V Masters
Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
#1: Check our my Coffee and Coaching Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.
#2: Strategy Calls
As entrepreneurs, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next, impactful, action steps.
Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.
How often do you take time out to move away from the doing in your business, and focus on the big picture, reviewing the dream and getting to the nitty gritty stuff that niggles you every day?
In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you cut through the fog and get crystal clear on your next steps toward next level results - more clients, more sales, more effective marketing, tech clarity and simplicity – whatever it is for you.
If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you full details and how to apply.
#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.
If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.
Email: [email protected]
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