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Sunday Newsletter: What is Important to You?

business coaching life hacks newsletter success tips Oct 20, 2024

Hello and happy beautiful Sunday!

I hope your weekend has unfolded as you had hoped and there are magical, memory making moments woven in.

How did last week work out? Where did you succeed and what went well that you may not have taken time acknowledge?
Take a moment to write those down, recognize them and celebrate?

I have had my first proper Sunday Lunch in months and I am feeling very grateful.

Grab a cuppa with me (mines an Earl Grey) and let’s contemplate how we are doing in handling each day, during this time.

Remember if you would like an informal chat, just hit reply for an informal chat.

Words Reveal What Matters

This week I have been focused on my Creative Writing Group, words, and the power of communication.

I have been reminded of, which focused on the power of words. and the impact they have on how we live our lives. Everything we say to others and to ourselves, really matters. Our words reveal our thinking.
The stories we tell ourselves are/become our reality.

Why is that relevant?

As the world we have known unravels, I have been digging deep into the stories I tell myself, especially the ones that no longer serve me. I am practicing expanding my awareness to catch the thoughts and the tapes that automatically run my thinking and therefore my results. For me, it's about building mental strength and overcoming destructive patterns, in a world of conditioning.

It’s my personal belief that we are being asked to overcome self-limitation and any doubts we have about who we truly are so that we can step into our power.

Way back when I started the Choosing Happy Podcast, in May 2021, I wanted to help people create their own happiness habits and happiness Survival Kit.

It feels like the perfect theme for this weeks Newsletter and podcast.

So, if you want to build your resilience muscles by identifying your personal ‘go to’ strategies for navigating uncertain times in life and business then read on.
I am in the process of doing this for myself.

My Lesson of the Week: Creating Your Self-care and Survival Kit – Happiness Habits for Resilience and Expansion

Values: Discovering What Truly Matters to You

When we think about our habits and the reasons behind our actions (or lack thereof), it’s easy to get tangled up in limiting beliefs and childhood conditioning. We often see these as the main culprits blocking our happiness and success. But here’s the thing: your dominant values are even more powerful than those beliefs.

What Are Your Values?

Your values are what really matter to you. To uncover them, ask yourself, “What’s important in each area of my life or business?”During my coaching training, I dove deep into the study of values. It turns out, they often operate beneath our conscious awareness, but they influence everything we do! Think of your beliefs as ornaments hanging from the branches of a Christmas tree—your values are the sturdy branches that hold everything up.If you’ve tried various methods to break free from limiting patterns—like energy work or healing—but haven’t seen much change, it might be because your core values haven’t shifted. If something is deeply important to you, changing your beliefs and behaviors that support that value can feel like an uphill battle.

So, What Does This Have to Do with My Happiness Survival Kit?

Great question!If it’s been a while since you’ve checked in on your values, they might be keeping you stuck in unhelpful patterns. You could be pushing for results but facing major resistance because you’re holding onto a value that feels crucial—whether you’re aware of it or not. The actions you’re trying to take or the new perspectives you’re adopting might clash with what you truly value.That’s why your first step in creating your Self-Care and Survival Kit is to review different areas of your life and the values tied to them. Awareness is key to making any meaningful changes.I won’t dive into the whole process here, but be sure to tune into the podcast this Thursday! We’ll walk through some exercises to help you identify your values. This could be the shift you’ve been looking for.

What Else is in My Kit?

The Happiness Survival Kit is all about discovering joyful ways to support yourself when times get tough. We can’t always count on others to be there for us, so it’s essential to have strategies in place that can lift us back up during those darker moments.In this kit, you'll find simple, practical ideas that can sprinkle a bit of joy into your daily life.

Happiness Habits

Building habits that support your mental and physical resilience is crucial for thriving during challenging times. These habits can ground us when we feel adrift and sustain us through our darkest days.For example, I have a daily routine where I get out of bed and exercise for 10-15 minutes six days a week. On those cold, frosty mornings when my house is still chilly and the sun hasn’t peeked through yet? Yeah, I don’t always feel like it! But I remind myself how much better I’ll feel after moving around and listening to some upbeat music.And sure, there are days when I just can’t muster the motivation. But what matters is that I keep starting over.In the Happiness Kit, you'll find a quick document outlining five areas for happiness habits—some might surprise you!

A Happiness Audit

How often do you really check in on your happiness levels across different areas of your life? With my mini-happiness audit, I encourage you to take some time to reflect on areas that might not be where you'd like them to be. Remember, each part of our lives affects the others. For instance, if you're loving your job but struggling in your relationship, there might be a connection there.

You can access the Happiness Pack using this link:
Download Your Happiness Pack

I’m currently revisiting the fundamentals of happiness myself, taking time to review and reset my resilience during these rocky times. This is my gift to you—enjoy!And remember: You can apply these principles to your business too!

“Your true values come out in the areas you are successful” – Dr John Demartini

I hope this adds value and gives you something to ponder this week.
I would love your thoughts and perspective on this.

 Choosing Happy Podcast Update

It’s the 87th Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and you can access it on Thursday 24th October 2024.

This week I am taking that deep dive into Values - Working Out what’s Important to You – so you can transform your results.

Look out for that!

All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast App or on the website at


Coming Soon - Writing Your Way Back – Journaling for Transformation


A 30-Day Program for Healing Through Journaling

In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, finding a safe space to process our emotions can be a profound challenge. Many of us carry the weight of loss, trauma, or unexpressed feelings, longing for a way to heal but unsure of where to begin.

"Writing Your Way Back: A 30-Day Course for Healing Through Journaling" is here to guide you on a transformative journey—a journey that invites you to explore the depths of your heart and mind through the power of words.

Imagine sitting in a quiet corner, pen in hand, as you unlock the stories hidden within you.

Each day, you’ll receive thoughtful prompts (written and audio) designed to gently guide you through your feelings, helping you articulate what may have felt too heavy to express.

This course is not just about writing; it’s about rediscovering yourself and reclaiming your voice.

Benefits of Taking Part:

  1. Emotional Clarity:
    Through daily journaling, you'll gain insights into your emotions, helping you understand the root causes of your feelings and experiences. This clarity can be the first step toward healing.

  2. Safe Expression:
    Writing provides a safe outlet for your thoughts and emotions, allowing you to process grief, anxiety, or stress without judgment. You'll find solace in knowing that your words are valid and important.

  3. Structured Guidance:
    With daily emails and audio prompts, you'll receive consistent support throughout the 30 days. These structured elements will help keep you engaged and motivated on your healing journey.

  4. Community Connection:
    Join a community (optional) of like-minded individuals who are also on their paths to healing. Share your experiences, offer support, and find comfort in knowing you’re not alone in this journey.

  5. Lifelong Skills:
    The techniques you learn during this course will equip you with lifelong journaling skills that can enhance your emotional well-being long after the program ends. You'll discover how to turn to writing as a source of strength and resilience.

  6. Empowerment Through Reflection:
    As you reflect on your experiences through journaling, you'll cultivate a sense of empowerment that comes from understanding yourself more deeply. This newfound self-awareness can lead to positive changes in your life.

  7. Transformative Healing:
    By the end of the 30 days, you'll not only have a collection of written reflections but also a deeper connection to your emotions and a clearer path toward healing.

  8. A Powerful Writing Habit:
    Writing daily encourages you to create a Daily Writing Habit that continues beyond the program.

"Writing Your Way Back" is more than just a program; it’s an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing through the art of journaling. If you're ready to turn pain into power and find peace within yourself, join us for this transformative experience. Let’s write our way back together!
You can find out more here:
Write Your Way Back

That's it for this week!

I wish you a week filled with clarity, grace, powerful choices and possibilities and of course, happiness.
May love, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.

As always, the coffee and chat offer is available, I am only an email away.

I hope you have a week blessed with love, magical moments and ease!


Heather V Masters

Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: Check our my Coffee and Coaching Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.

#2: Strategy Calls

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next, impactful, action steps.

Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.

How often do you take time out to move away from the doing in your business, and focus on the big picture, reviewing the dream and getting to the nitty gritty stuff that niggles you every day?

In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you cut through the fog and get crystal clear on your next steps toward next level results - more clients, more sales, more effective marketing, tech clarity and simplicity – whatever it is for you.

If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you full details and how to apply.

#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.


If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.

Email: [email protected]

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