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This Week's Lesson: Why Holding On Holds You Back

business coaching business tips life hacks newsletter success tips Oct 06, 2024

Hello and Happy October!

I hope you are well and thriving.


Things are getting really crazy. I’ve been hit with some challenges myself this weekend, hence the later posting of my Newsletter.

I’m going to keep it short.

I want to begin by reiterating my offer of assistance to anyone who might be feeling confused, overwhelmed or completely knocked sideways by life at the moment. Just hit reply for a chat.

I have overdosed on caffeine, walked the dogs, puttered about and prepped my notes for this newsletter today. How have you spent your Sunday?

Life is shifting for me in Uncomfortable Ways.

This week I feel like I am being called to address the ‘elephants’ in my life. The things I have been resisting and that have been keeping me stuck.

And that’s the lesson for me this week. What about you?
Are there areas of your world that are screaming out for attention, yet you keep looking the other way, consciously or unconsciously?
I do believe the truth is being revealed and calling us to acknowledge it in many ways right now as we head toward the closing of an era.

What Has been My Lesson of the Week?

Letting Go So That You Allow the Life That’s Waiting for You

I am covering one topic this week, as it applies to life and business.

Lessons of the Week:

1 – Life Lesson – Holding on to the past and what’s familiar, prevents us from living our purpose

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
— Joseph Campbell

1 – Life Lesson:

Letting Go So That You Allow the Life That’s Waiting for You

This week I have had two amazing interviews for my podcast. Both of which have felt like a personal advice session from the universe.

I have been stagnant in a couple of areas of my life and these interviews, plus my life lessons have been all about getting moving again.

I see where I have been holding on tightly to the past and where that’s no longer serving me.
I have mentioned before, I cared for both of my parents before their deaths over eight years ago. And I look at my home and I see that I am still surrounded by unsorted items of theirs. For one reason or another I have never fully got around to clearing things out and finally letting go.

There are things in my business I am still doing that I maybe should have given up on, as well as things I am still not doing.

Does any of this relate to you?

The world is going through a collapsing of systems where we are going to be forced to let go of the familiar and the expectations of how we thought life should be, in order to move into and build anew.

Old paradigms and structures are no longer working. The currency is coming to an end. The Dollar is losing its status as the worlds reserve currency. Governments are failing the people they are meant to serve and much more is coming apart.
We no longer have a normal. Yet we cling on to the past, hoping that by keep going through the motions, it will get us through.

Universe is Giving Us all a Good Shake

I had a bit of a slap into reality this week in my world and I know a few others who have as well.

There comes a point where we have to wake up or perish. It’s taken me a couple of days to step back into balance and I can see the lesson and where this all fits in as part of the plan for me.

I see where I have been resisting stepping up and saying, ‘I see what’s happening. I understand the real big picture of this world. I see where I am resisting stepping into my role to help others at this time, because it asks a lot of me, and asks me to be visible in a way I have been fearful of.

What about you?

Where in your life or business are you resisting the unfolding truth. How many elephants are you ignoring.

The Time Is Upon Us

I don’t believe we can hide anymore. I believe we’re at a choice point, to let go of the corpse of the past, the comfort blanket that wore out years ago and allow ourselves to be guided to a life that may be completely different, scary and yet be the one we’re destined for.

I feel the discomfort and yet when I sit with the potential and tune in to the vision of a new world that is better than we can imagine, I feel ready to traverse the land in between, in both business and life.

What are you doing or holding on to that you would be better off releasing?

What are you not doing, not embracing or allowing or receiving that would move you to a better place and free you from the entrapments of the past?

That’s what I’m sitting with.

If you benefit from a chat with someone who can relate like you can’t imagine, reach out and hit reply.

“We must embrace the unknown paths that life offers us, for in letting go of our expectations, we open ourselves to the extraordinary journeys awaiting our discovery.” — Unknown

I hope this adds value and gives you something to ponder this week.
I would love your thoughts and perspective on this.


Choosing Happy Podcast Update

It’s the 85th Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and you can access it on Thursday 10th October 2024 – as our ‘Spiritual Woo’ month concludes.

This week I interview Adrian Emery – Philosopher, Author and Mentor. We talk spirituality, Philosophy, Current unfolding events, money systems, how to stand in your power, and so much more. I loved this chat.
Look out for that!

All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast App or on the website at



Coming Soon –

🌟 Are you ready to elevate your online business to the next level? 🌟

I’m thrilled to announce that “The Conscious Awakened Entrepreneur’s Blueprint” is launching soon! 🎉✨

This game-changing programme is crafted specifically for online entrepreneurs like YOU who are aware of the shifting global systems and financial structures, and are eager to create a sustainable, unique and impactful online business. 🌍💡

What You Can Expect from the Blueprint:

✅ Effective Digital Marketing Strategies: Learn how to build a strong online presence, master SEO, and create engaging content that resonates with your audience. 🌐📝

✅ Embrace Simplicity and Focus: Discover the power of focusing on one core mission and streamlining your efforts for maximum impact. 🔍✨

✅ Financial Planning for Long-Term Success: Develop a solid financial plan that ensures stability and growth for your business. 💵📊

✅ Technology Planning for Long-Term Success: Prepare to embrace digital currencies, blockchain solutions and Web3 to keep your business and brand ahead of the curve.

✅ Identify and Overcome Blocks: Discover how to clear mental and business obstacles holding you back from reaching your full potential. 🌈🚀

✅ Accountability and Strategy Reviews: Get access to an accountability coach and a powerful digital dashboard to keep you on track and refine your strategies. 📈🎯

✅ Advanced Stress and Anxiety Management: Utilize cutting-edge NLP and Hypnosis techniques to manage stress, anxiety, and build mental resilience. 🧘‍♂️✨

That's it for this week!

I wish you a week filled with expansion, powerful choices and possibilities and of course, happiness and
May love, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.

As always, the coffee and chat offer is available, I am only an email away.

I hope you have a week blessed with grace, magical moments and ease!


Heather V Masters

Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: Check our my Coffee and Coaching Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.

#2: Strategy Calls

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next, impactful, action steps.

Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.

How often do you take time out to move away from the doing in your business, and focus on the big picture, reviewing the dream and getting to the nitty gritty stuff that niggles you every day?

In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you cut through the fog and get crystal clear on your next steps toward next level results - more clients, more sales, more effective marketing, tech clarity and simplicity – whatever it is for you.

If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you full details and how to apply.

#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.


If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.

Email: [email protected]

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