Welcome to the New Era
Mar 09, 2025
Hello and Happy Sunday!
I hope you are enjoying spring sunshine and you have a cup of something special with you while you read.
This is a special refocusing edition – the new era for my newsletter, podcast and business.
I want to up the value, give you practical tips you can implement that help you navigate the rapid tech and business changes happening and deliver the content that you want to see and enjoy.
My focus is on helping awakened conscious and spiritual founders to grow/launch/pivot their business online
What Does That Mean for You?
The content will focus more on helping businesses, although personal development and mindset is the main part of the story for success as a founder. I will be approaching things from a more ‘woo’ view as well. Though I feel I have been shifting that way naturally this year.
I hope you find the new approach more authentic and inspiring, as well as practical.
Checking in.
How are you all doing as we navigate these ever-changing times? I don't know about you, but lately, I've been feeling a real need to ground myself and reconnect with my purpose. That’s one of the reasons for the shift in focus and that's what I want to talk about today: to revisit your "why."
Why Now?
With everything happening around the globe – the shifts, the changes, the uncertainties – it's easy to feel lost or overwhelmed. Have you ever asked yourself, "Why am I here at this time?" It's a big question, and maybe you don't have all the answers yet. But I truly believe that if you're awake and aware, you're here for a reason.
Perhaps your primary purpose is to simply hold space for the shift that's happening. Maybe it's something more specific, something you're still discovering. Whatever it is, now is the perfect time to dig deep and clarify that "why." This will give you a strong foundation to move forward from.
The Collapsing Old and the Emerging New
Let's face it: we're watching the old structures collapse. It can be unsettling, even disheartening. But remember, this collapse is necessary to make way for something new, something better. It's a wild ride and, personally, I feel as though the things that I have resisted in my life are really coming to the forefront to be dealt with. I know many of you can relate.
This is why coming back to your "why" is so important. It's your anchor in the storm, your guiding light in the darkness.
Navigating Two Realities
It often feels like we're straddling two realities: the one that a growing number of us are awake to, and the one where many seem oblivious to the shifts happening around us. It can be challenging to navigate these two worlds.
How do you stay grounded? How do you maintain your energy and motivation when surrounded by such different perspectives? The answer, again, comes back to your "why."
Unpacking Your "Why": Layers of Purpose
It's not just about one big, overarching "why." It's about understanding your purpose at different levels:
- The Big Picture Why: This is your highest-level purpose. What impact are you here to make? What legacy do you want to leave? What positive change do you want to contribute to the new world that's opening up?
- The Role Why: What role are you playing in your work, your family, your community? As relationships shift, so do your responsibilities. How can you best serve in these roles?
- The Career/Business Why: With the rapid advancements in AI, Web3, and other technologies, how will your work evolve? How can you contribute positively to this new era, using these tools for good? Or perhaps your shift is away from tech, back to community, to hands-on work, to teaching and rebuilding at a local level.
- The Project Why: When you create a new product or service, why are you creating it? How does it contribute to your bigger "whys"? How will it help people?
- The Personal Why: What do you truly want? What brings you fulfilment, joy, and clarity? It's not selfish to prioritize your own well-being. In fact, it's essential so that you can show up as your best self.
- The Daily Why: Why get out of bed each day? It could be something as simple as walking your dogs or doing something fun. Create a reason for getting through the day that energises you and sets a positive tone.
Staying Motivated and Resilient
By pinpointing your "whys" at all these different levels, you create a powerful source of motivation and resilience. As we move through these uncertain times, these "whys" will help you stay focused, grounded, and inspired.
Even when the bigger picture seems blurry, your daily "whys," your family "whys," and your work "whys" can keep you moving forward. They are your North Stars, guiding you through the darkness.
So, this week, I encourage you to take some time to reflect on your "whys." What is your reason for being here, now? What impact do you want to make? How can you contribute to a better world?
I'd love to hear from you! Share your biggest "why" with me by hitting reply.
I hope this adds value and gives you something to ponder this week.
I would love your thoughts and perspective on this.
Choosing Happy Podcast Update
Celebration Time!!
I celebrated the 100th Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and it felt like a relaunch. The focus is on providing content, interviews and unique tips to help you thrive through the shifts and changes.
“Happiness Meets Impact for Conscious Personal Development & Spiritual Founders”
My special gift for you to celebrate the milestone is my ‘Spiritual Founder’s Quick-Start Kit’ (5-min meditation + 14 steps to £1K+). You can grab it in the show notes.
This week, the new era for me continues with ‘Your niche, Your Joy – step 1 to exponential growth and happiness in 2025’
Look out for that!
All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast App or on the website at www.choosinghappypodcast.com
Let me know if there is anything you would like me to cover or if there's anyone you'd like me to interview.
I value your feedback
Book a slot to revisit or relaunch with my Spiritual Launch Boost session:
A 75 min 1-1 to build your business blueprint, honing in on the breakthrough you want to achieve. Niche, course, content, funnel plan, tech…
We review it all and create a bespoke plan to get you the results you want. There are 5 slots available this week.
You can schedule your session here:
Let me know if you have any questions or would like to have a chat.
That's it for this week!
I wish you a blessed week, filled with ease, joy and grace.
May peace, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.
As always, the coffee and chat offer is available, I am only an email away.
Until next week, keep being blessed. To your happiness, good health, expansion and prosperity in all things,
Heather V Masters
Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
P.S. How are you navigating the changes in your business? Hit reply and let me know - I'd love to hear your stories and maybe even feature them in a future newsletter!
P.P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
#1: Check our my Coffee and Coaching Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.
#2: Coaching
In a busy world, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next step.
Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.
In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you explore your blocks, challenges, conflicts and concerns – whatever it is for you.
You choose the goal, we uncover the answer.
If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you details about one off sessions.
#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.
If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.
Email: [email protected]
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